Email Hosting 101

Email Hosting 101

The internet is a fantastic tool to use, but it can be daunting to learn the more technical aspects. That is why we have started this 101 series; to easily break down fundamentals of the internet to help you better understand how things work. Today’s topic is email...
Web Hosting 101

Web Hosting 101

The internet is a fantastic tool to use, but it can be daunting to learn the more technical parts. That is why we have started this 101 series; to break down fundamentals of the internet to help you better understand how things work. Today’s topic is web hosting,...
How to use SPF Records

How to use SPF Records

Have you ever received an email from yourself that you did not send? While some conspiracy theorists may say that it’s an email from a past or future self, the reality is that someone is impersonating your email address and sending SPAM to other people!   How can...